Tuesday 18 October 2011

101 Things in 1001 Days

I’ve been inspired by fellow blogger and LG4CF player Beth, to participate in the 101 Things in 1001 Days challenge. The idea is to accomplish 101 Things in the next 1001 days. These are things that you have considered doing, but never really pushed yourself to do them. This is where the Task list meets the Bucket list.

This list took me about 4 days to develop. I had about 15 items on the list right away, but then I had to start looking for more ideas. I pilfered a few from Beth and others who are involved in the challenge. If you Google 101 Things in 1001 days, you will find a lot of other lists to help generate your own.

You should also check out the website Day Zero Project, where it all began.

As I looked through all the other lists, it started to make me think of other self challenges. I had to revise the list a few times, but by the end, I came up with 110 items; 9 of which have been parked for round #2.

I heard somewhere that there is a greater success rate in accomplishing tasks if you share them with others. Here is my list of 101 Things in 1001 days.  Feel free to use some of my list for your own. If my list has inspired you to participate in this challenge, let me know so I can cross off  #101!

101 Things in 1001 Days 

Start: October  17, 2011 
End:   July 14, 2014

1)           Enroll in a Masters degree
2)           Pass the GMAT
3)           Renew my CAPM (or write the PMP)
4)           Read 20 books
5)           Make a list of 100 things that make me happy
6)           Make a list of 100 quotes that appeal to me
7)           Get 8 hours of sleep every night for a week
8)           Teach a continuing education class
9)           Get a tattoo to commemorate the LG4CF
10)        Get a pedicure
11)        Get a massage at least once a  month
12)        Wear my hair straightened for a week
13)        Get a family portrait done
14)        Get the windows in the house replaced
15)        Get the necessary repairs done on my car
16)        Take Vegas for a dental clean
17)        Donate blood at least 5 times
18)        Adopt a BC Wild killer whale   http://netcommunity.vanaqua.org/page.aspx?pid=377
19)        Volunteer at a fundraising event
20)        Help sponsor a family at Christmas
21)        Send a just because care package to a friend
22)        Send out Christmas cards on time
23)        Send out 20 Thank you cards by snail mail
24)        Reach my healthy weight
25)        Get my cholesterol and blood pressure checked
26)        Get a physical
27)        Keep a food and exercise journal
28)        Shoot hoops for 30 minutes everyday for a week
29)        Join a Softball team
30)        Exercise 5 days a week for a month. Including cardio and strength training. Continue as inspired…
31)        Run a 10K under 1 hour
32)        Complete a ½ marathon
33)        Participate in the 5K Obstacle Course Zombie run
34)        Take ballroom dance lessons
35)        Play in a hockey tournament
36)        Walk the Seawall/English Bay
37)        Take a bike trip around Vancouver
38)        Go to yoga once a week for 2 months
39)        Golf at least 25 rounds
40)        Go on a golf vacation
41)        Break 100 in golf
42)        Do the Grouse Grind
43)        Take a Kickboxing class
44)        Eat like a vegetarian for a week (at least 10 times)
45)        Plan weekly meals 4 weeks in a row
46)        No cheese for 2 weeks
47)        Host a turkey dinner
48)        Make homemade spatzle
49)        Eat dinner at the table for a week
50)        Follow Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating every day for 1 month
51)        Develop my own recipe to brag about
52)        No Fast food for 2 months
53)        No diet coke for a month
54)        Go a month without dining out
55)        Host a potluck
56)        Make fresh bread in the bread maker for a month
57)        Try 20 new recipes
58)        Make a crock pot meal
59)        Pack a lunch every day for a month
60)        Visit 10 new restaurants
61)        No chocolate for a month
62)        Clean the home office and throw out/shred/recycle any unneeded papers. File the keepers
63)        Have a garage sale
64)        Vacuum & dust 3 times a week for a month
65)        Paint the bathroom (upstairs main)
66)        Blog at least once a week.
67)        Buy an iPhone
68)        Make an iTunes workout playlist of 180 minutes
69)        Make a list of 41 songs that were significant in my life
70)        Post 5 blogs showcasing each of my fur kids
71)        Tweet 5,000 times
72)        Sign up for HootSuite
73)        Get a Boxee box and make our house ‘connected’
74)        Go camping (not executive style)
75)        Go on a day hike
76)        Watch a dog agility competition
77)        Go horseback riding
78)        Rent a boat and spend the day exploring Howe Sound http://www.sewellsmarina.com
79)        Get a Pleasure Craft Operators Certification (PCOC) for above
80)        Take a motorbike trip to Whistler (as passenger) and spend the weekend
81)        Go on a Ghostly walk tour in Victoria http://www.discoverthepast.com/gwalksdescrip.htm
82)        Take the dogs for a walk in 5 different Lower Mainland parks
83)        Host a game challenge party (Wii, PS2, PS3, air hockey)
84)        See a drive in movie
85)        Go to a Great Big Sea Concert
86)        Don’t watch TV for a week
87)        Attend a live theater or Opera
88)        Attend a performance of the VSO
89)        Attend a live comedy show
90)        Go out with a friend once a month
91)        Visit a jazz/blues club
92)        Go out for an evening of dancing
93)        Attend an event where I can wear a fancy dress
94)        Renew my passport
95)        Speak in front of a crowd of over 100
96)        Go 10 days without spending any money (excluding bills)
97)        Spend an evening singing to ABBA and Neil Diamond (Greatest hits) on the stereo (dancing optional)
98)        Have a conversation with a celebrity
99)        Read the Wealthy Barber Returns
100)    Try something outside my comfort zone (not already on the list)
101)    Inspire 5 people to create a 101 in 1001 days list

In progress

Use dateandtime.com! to calculate 1001 days from your start date