Monday 9 January 2012

Best in Show - Expert's choice

On Saturday I happened to channel surf across the International Best in Show for Dogs. I thought I would check it out since I had another 10 minutes before my show started. It was quite interesting to see all the different breeds being presented but I was not the only one watching.....

It appears that Nugget strongly felt that this dog, the Great Pyrenees, deserved to win the category. She was completely disinterested when it switched to the Newfoundland.

I am not surprised as this dog had a similar face and build as the Burmese Mountain dog which is her absolute favorite breed. Whenever she sees one at the park she gets completely goofy giddy to the extent of overtly flirtatious.

I didn't watch it to the end but I think I'll trust her opinion as she is probably the expert. 

"Now tell me, which one of these dogs would you want to have as your wide receiver on your football team?" - Buck (Fred Willard) Best in Show (2000)